Whether referring to personal knowledge, skills, and abilities, or business and marketing, situation analysis encompasses the factors commonly found in a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis. Many individuals are self aware when it comes to strengths, yet often are less aware of personal vulnerabilities. We make choices everyday based on our individual preferences. These choices are mainly reactions to programming from our environment, our familial upbringing, and societal imprinting.
A situation analysis takes a look at all of these factors through a process of self-discovery. Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) you will confirm your known strengths, but--more importantly--discover your less-used preferences. Everyone's heard the phrase "if you don't use it, you lose it." Your less-used personality assets function in a similar manner. The less you use them, the more awkward you feel using them; for example, being right or left handed is a preference. Most right-handed people feel awkward using their left hand for tasks like writing or using eating utensils. This can be overcome through practice. Learn to develop a strategy to employ all of your personal strengths through the MBTI and SII.
I will personally guide you through the process of self-discovery and self-optimization. Find your optimum personal, career, and educational path. Learn to see what others see when you apply for a job, interview for a position, or meet someone new for the first time. Self-discovery opens new doors and uncovers opportunities already available, but perhaps unseen or overlooked. Please contact me for a free get-acquainted session--you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Veterans--contact me for free MBTI and SII interpretation.